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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Exclusive: Tango website hacked , more than 1.5 TB daily database backup compromised

Here comes, another security breach update from: Syrian Electronic Army. Today, they have hacked into and compromised more than 1.5 TB Daily backup of the servers. The databases is reportedly contains more than millions of the Application users phone numbers and contacts and their emails. "Sorry @TangoMe, We needed your database too, thank you for it! #SEA #SyrianElectronicArmy" The tweet posted by Syrian Electronic Army. The Hackers breached the with same method- The outdated Wordpress CMS allowed them to gain unauthorized access to the database server. Exclusive Admin Panel Screenshot provided by Hackers, shows the out-dated version "Wordpress 3.2.1" used by the Tango website:
Speaking to E Hacking News, Syrian Electrionic Army said that Tango has 4- servers for the website :,,, All of the servers has been shutdown , after hackers breached the website. The website currently redirects to Tango's facebook page. Hackers said they will provide the compromised data to Syrian Government. Hackers also provide the screenshot of the database backup. We have split the screenshot into four images:

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